Lutheran Mission Society Clothes Sort
St. Martins hosts one meeting per quarter to sort through clothes donated to the Lutheran Mission Society (LMS). LMS collects, various churches sort, and then LMS redistributes these wearable clothes and household items through their Compassion Centers. The Annapolis store is on West Street. Our volunteers enjoy the service and fellowship.
Red Cross Blood Drive
As one of the many outreach programs at Saint Martin’s, we partner with the American Red Cross several times each year to host blood drives. We recruit many donors and provide all the facilities, volunteers and snacks that are needed for the donors. Over the years, this ministry has added many units of precious blood to the Greater Chesapeake and Potomac Blood Services blood banks.
Holiday Sharing
Our Sunday Bulletins and Tabletalk Newsletters ask for help and volunteers. At Thanksgiving, St. Martin’s provides needy families with groceries for their holiday dinner. Similarly, at Christmas, St. Martin’s provides needy families with both groceries and Christmas gifts for children and family members. St. Martin’s members are called to help with gifts and groceries and delivery of the items to the families.
Boy Scouts
Troop 771 is a Boy Led Troop fostering growth to the fullest potential through fun activities and new experiences! The ideals the Scouting program teaches are timeless. Scouting builds leadership, character, respect for others, fitness, and so much more. Scouting helps youth become their best future selves. It prepares them for life!
Meetings occur every Wednesday evening between 7:30 p.m. and 8:45 p.m. in the Art Room at St. Martin’s Lutheran Church, 1120 Spa Road, Annapolis, MD. Membership in the Troop is nondenominational and open to boys age 11 – 17.
In addition to its scouting activities, the troop plans and serves a pancake supper every year on Shrove Tuesday for St. Martin's Church and the community. Click here to find more information on Facebook. The troop can also be contacted at More information about the Boy Scouts organization can be found by clicking here.
Seafarers Ministry
Christmas Bags for Seafarer's
St. Martin’s will once again participate in preparing Christmas bags for the Seafarers this year. We are collecting warm gloves (not too bulky), socks, playing cards, handwarmers, activity books (i.e., Word Search or Sudoku), notepads, and pens – so that St. Martin's can again bless the Christmas of mariners who will be on the high seas, far from home, on Christmas day. The items can be dropped in the box in the narthex All items need to be in by November 27th. If you have any questions, please contact Sara Wetz at